OK, OK, I may be prejudiced but I think this is a pretty banner and it was created by my very talented daughters at Hot Glue Media. Need banners, ads, multi media artwork, web sites and more? You can't go wrong with Hot Glue Media.
One of the great things about Team Esmarts is that we are not just all about the jewelry bling. Our team has talented artists in a wide variety of craft and artistic fields. Some of my favorites are below, plus I just had to have a bit of bling for the post!
Esmarts Team Store has been dedicated to assisting fellow Etsians with the proceeds going to worthy causes selected by the team. Visit the store for an idea of the wonderful talent of this artistic group.
Alternate metals are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. This is a place to discuss, learn, teach, advertise & enjoy everything copper.
This group was started to celebrate the artists working in copper and alternative metals. If you are interested in hand crafted, artisan jewelry, this is the blog and maybe the group for you.